I post here the message of downfall I sent to Bibnbub...
I made the fatal error. I planned for the next thing I really, really want to knit.
I created a checklist (wishlist) of all the colours I need for the Smoulder cardigan.
It takes a total of 15 balls of yarn in 8 (!!) colours. 5 of these are discontinued colours.
Janette’s Rare yarns had two of them with a note to email her if you were after something not listed.
I emailed her the wishlist. She mailed back in under 5 min (again !!) to say she was only missing 3 colours, and had 10 balls of the 5 I am seeking! And it’s under $80!)
And then, I looked at who on Ravelry to see who might have the ones I am missing for trade/sell. One person in perth has lots of one of those left. I sent her an email.
I have shades of the Evil Willow episode of Buffy. With Anya and Xander talking. And Anya explaining that when good people go bad they go like, really bad. And I just used a Buffy reference - and tried to Wiki it to get it right - to make a point about my yarn. Oh god. I need to sleep. Or something.
See? Yarn evil. Take over brain.